Women Who Shoot – RO Course Tomorrow!
Hello Folks,
Do you know (or are you) a woman who’s interested in learning more about shooting sports and shooting with a group of like-minded women who are Range Officers at the LFGA Shooting Sports Facility? The group will be called “Women Who Shoot”.
No problem! We’ll be holding two women’s-only Range Officer course tomorrow so they can participate:
Saturday, March 4th at 9:00 AM at the range Classroom.
Plan to be waiting in your vehicle in the parking lot across from our Facility gate before 8:45 AM so we can let you onto the range promptly. And because we’re looking to grow the number of women who actively use the range, Rick has generously offered to put on the course for a reduced fee of $10.00!
A snack lunch will be provided after the course, Tomorrow the new Range Officers will be joined by the women who are already Range Officers to kick off your new group called “Women Who Shoot”.
Registration for these special Range Officer Courses is required.
• Register by emailing [email protected]
• Provide your member number, your first and last name and your email address.
• EMT $10.00 to [email protected]
You are invited to the “Women Who Shoot” inaugural meet and greet after the Range Officer Course for new members at of 2:00 PM, March 4th, 2023, at the Range Classroom. This will be an opportunity for you to meet other female members in a safe and fun environment. With your help and participation, we will offera 6-week range and shooting experience as part of your newly launched Women Who Shoot initiative. We will have firearms and ammunition available at special cost for the people whodon’t have them yet.
Please let us know if you are interested in this opportunity by sending an email to: [email protected]
Please note that the “Women Who Shoot” initiative is only open to Female Range Officers.