Hunt Today – Fish Tomorrow – Conserve Forever
- Advocate for wildlife, fish and habitat conservation in a spirit of cooperation with other organizations and all levels of government
- Provide facilities and equipment for hunting, fishing, and firearms education
- Promote responsible behavior while using our natural resources with: members, youth and the general public
- Develop a community that fosters a spirit of cooperation, tolerance and understanding while enjoying the outdoors.
The Lethbridge Fish and Game Association endeavours to:
- Encourage membership, individuals and any interested organized group to assist in the conservation of wildlife and our renewable natural resources.
- Have all members uphold the laws governing forestry, lands, wildlife and fisheries.
- Foster, stimulate and continue a spirit of cooperation, tolerance, understanding and equality between all sportsmen; and that unity of thought and purpose be established towards this goal.
- Promote the organization and education of youth within the Association and the public.
- Work towards good landowner relations so that a mutual respect and understanding may be reached which will be just and advantageous to all concerned.
- Promote the wishes of our organized sportsmen before all levels of government.
- We believe in the wisdom of nature’s design.
- We know that soil, water, plants and wild creatures depend upon each other and are vital to human life.
- We recognize that each living thing links to many others in the chain of nature.
- We believe that continuing research into the intricate pattern of outdoor life will help assure wise use of earth’s abundance.
- We condemn no wild creature and work to assure that no living species shall be lost.
- We believe that every generation should be able to experience spiritual and physical refreshment in places where primitive nature is undisturbed. So we will be vigilant to protect wilderness areas, refuges and parks, and to encourage good use of nature’s storehouse of resources.
- We dedicate ourselves to the pleasant task of opening the eyes of young and old that all may come to enjoy the beauty of the outdoor world, and to share in conserving its wonders forever.
LFGA Service Awards
LFGA Service Awards are bestowed upon groups or members in good standing of the Club and who have shown great initiative and effort in serving the Objectives and Mandates of the Organization. Please take the time to nominate a deserving group or individual!
Deadline: Please have your nomination to the Board of Governors by January 15th of each year for consideration. Presentation of the Awards will take place during the Annual Awards Banquet in the spring. Nominations must be made in writing and must clearly outline how and why it is believed that the specific Group or Individual should be a recipient of the Award. You may email your nominations by email to Marilyn Peterson
Consider recognizing a deserving individual or group today….
Erle Carr Trophy
Norm & Stella Ferguson Memorial Award
Life Membership
Life Time Contribution by a Life Member
Spirit of LFGA
Spirit of LFGA – Youth
Certificate of Merit
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Awarded only once to an individual.
Must have an active long term servitude of period of 10 years or greater.
Given to the person having made the most OVER ALL outstanding long term contribution to the goals and mandates of the Association. An individual who is extremely involved with the Association.
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Must have an active long term servitude of period of 10 years or greater.
Given to the person having made the most OVER ALL outstanding long term contribution to the “hands on” mentoring of youth within the Organizations goals and objectives. Emphasis is place on the individuals “involve me” aspect who is leading by example and inclusion of youth. The quote on the award by Benjamin Franklin emphasis of the walking the walk is significant.
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Awarded only once to an individual.
Individual must be a recipient of the Erle Carr Trophy and/or Norm and Stella Ferguson Memorial Award.
Must have minimum of 15 years active service.
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Time period of consideration 10 years or greater of active service from the time the original Life Membership was awarded
Given at the discretion of the Board.
Recognizing contributions of a Life Member who after receipt of a Life Membership continue to be extremely involved within the Organization.
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Must be a member in good standing.
To an individual who may have previously received 1 or more Certificate of Merits.
Qualifications for the award are within the focus on the LFGA Mission Statement
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Must be a member in good standing.
A member who is under the age of 18.
Qualifications for the award are within the focus on the LFGA Mission Statement
Not necessarily awarded annually.
Awarded to individual(s) contributing to the welfare of the LFGA in any way for outstanding work.
Can be awarded to an individual numerous times for a variety of reasons
There may be several individuals who receive this award within a year.
Must be a member in good standing.
Qualifications for the award are within the focus on the LFGA Mission Statement