PLEASE SIGN – CLOSES Tomorrow Sept 2
For people that haven’t signed the petition against the Liberal gun ban – Respected Canadian hunter, media personality, ethical hunting and private property/ firearm advocate Jim Shockey explains why we all need to sign it (and get everyone we know to sign it!) Please, take a couple of minutes to read what he has to say, sign the petition if you haven’t and make it a goal to get 5 others to sign it before it closes is September! – Scott
Jim Shockey
August 23 at 3:09 PM · This will be a long one. And yes, I know, summer is nearly ended, and the family is coming for dinner. AND I understand that, and we are all tired of signing petitions, and we all have better things to do…BUT DO WE REALLY THOUGH? Take a moment and think about the following.230,000 Canadian citizens have ALREADY signed this petition calling for the Prime Minister of Canada, to “immediately scrap his government’s May 1, 2020, Order in Council decision related to confiscating legally owned firearms and instead pass legislation that will target criminals, stop the smuggling of firearms into Canada, go after those who illegally acquire firearms, and apologize to legal firearms owners in Canada.”230,000 Canadians – is the largest number of Canadians to EVER sign a Governmental E-Petition to present to the Federal House of Commons no matter what the cause or topic. 230,000 Canadians – have declared their willingness to stand up and BE COUNTED, to take time from their lives to voice their displeasure at what is a breach of the public trust, in spite of the fact that apathy, cynicism and hopelessness seem to be de rigueur in today’s world. 230,000 Canadians – represent, by every statistical proof, 10-20 TIMES that number of Canadians who actually agree strongly with the call to action in the petition, but who did not sign…(see apathy, cynicism and hopelessness comment above.)So if you are Canadian and agree with any of the above or any of the below, take a few extra moments out of your busy life and SIGN THE PETITION before Sept 1. Last thing ****IMPORTANT**** For your signature to count on the petition, you MUST respond to the email that will be sent back to your email address after you sign. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY YOUR SIGNATURE WILL COUNT. https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-2574