IMPORTANT POLL on Banning Handguns

IMPORTANT!! Local poll asking if Lethbridge should ban handguns! The LFGA and sister organizations represent thousands of safe legal sport-shooters in Lethbridge and area. This recent legislation by the government is not about stopping criminal activity and violence, it is aimed squarely at law abiding citizen’s property rights and private gun ownership.
Banning handguns would NOT in any way decrease violence – handgun ownership is already heavily regulated and lawful owners undergo a rigorous application process, testing and DAILY checks by the RCMP.
It’s very important that lawful and law-abiding firearm owners and those citizens concerned with private ownership rights stand up and be counted!
We need the government to stop trying to drive attention away from the real problem we are facing as a nation, the COVID19 pandemic killing thousands, endless rounds of lockdowns destroying our economy, and thousands more livelihoods and futures.
Here is a local banning handgun poll that needs your attention, if you are on your phone scroll down towards the bottom, on your computer it is located near the top and to the right of the page. Please vote and share with your friends and family, we need our message to be loud and clear!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask our Community Relations Chair Scott Sweetman. [email protected]