So say a group of Canadian Doctors that are coming together to pressure the government to revoke the laws allowing law-abiding citizens to own firearms – that means you & me. It does not matter if you are a hunter or an Olympic athlete you should not own a gun according to this group because you guessed it – No Civilian Needs A Gun!
Gunblog.ca has posted a good piece about this group on their website and also on the media hub MEDIUM.
They are called DOCTORS FOR PROTECTION FROM GUNS and their driving force comes from a
You can read the full GunBlog post here. It’s only a 4 min read and at the end of the article, it has some really good suggestions on how we can respond to these new groups activities. Please take the time to read this and if you agree, actively engage and educate your health care provider about the safety and health benefits of an active life that includes the shooting sports.
