LFGA Facility Upgrades
Hello Folks
Today we started a project to replace all the electrical and network infrastructure within our facility. Trenching will go from the extreme North to the extreme South as we replace the electrical and install fibre optic networks. We hope this will be done with a minimal disruption to your use of the individual ranges. There will be large machines working and open trenches so beware when you are using the facility. Please keep close supervision if you bring children to the facility. Alternate routing for traffic will be required from time to time so follow the instructions.
Chris Craig has volunteered to be the Project Manager for this project. He and other members are volunteering for some major tasks so that we will keep our costs down. Our Community. Partners, CCK and United Rentals are donating the use of equipment to also help keep the costs down. 1st TechniCall Systems Inc. and Altis MSP have the primary contracts to revamp our electrical infrastructure and upgrade our computer and camera networks. These are connected to the existing Securcom Technologies equipment.
Thank you in advance for your support as we make your facility even better and more capable of becoming sustainable.
Rick Blakeley President and Range Operator
Text: 403-308-3541