Bench Rest League & Jr. Rifle

This year (2023) the Bench Rest League starts its 21st season.
We are holding two (2) information sessions for the league on Sunday, May 14th and
Wednesday, May 17th at 7:00 pm on Range 2
These will be informal question/answer sessions where one learns the equipment requirements, the course of action, and the benefits of bench rest league. Bring the gun you are interested in using for league and anything else that you think you might need. We will take it from there.
League will start at 6:00 PM on Sunday, May 21st, and Wednesday, May 24th and continue
over the next 13 weeks on Range #2. At the end of the league, you can participate in the Frank
Leffingwell Memorial Shoot. Each participant shoots one night a week and can choose between Sunday or Wednesday evenings depending on what works best for their schedule. We shoot at 100, 200, and 300 yard distances.
If you would like to get the best performance out of your rifle give the League a try, its amazing
what you can pick up on the firing line from the folks who have been doing this for a while.
Basic Information
Cost: $35.00 for 100, 200, & 300 yards
If you do not want to do 300 then the price is $30.00
The recommended number of shots required per evening is between 20 and 40 (depending on the number of sighters present)
Range members, not participating in the League will be able to shoot on Range #2 under the
direction of the League’s Range Officer if there are available benches while the league members are shooting. The rules can be obtained by contacting Dave Fisher. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, contact Dave Fisher – Phone 403-715-8148.
Junior Rifle Session (Youth)
Monday, June 5th, June 12th, June 19th and June 26th from 6:00 to 8:00
Starting at .22 calibre rimfire rifle and progressing to .223 calibre and finally .243 calibre centre fire rifles.
Ages 10 through 17
All guns, ammo, rests, and PPE’s are supplied by LFGA
Contact Dean Weger for further information or to register – 403-308-0426 or email [email protected]