THERE IS STILL TIME! Today Jun. 1 until 4pm
THERE IS STILL TIME! Everyone, members and non-members, still have time today to participate in our National Open Range Day, which is COMPLETELY FREE. No permits are required. Our LFGA Range Officers and Mentors from our special programs and sister organizations such as our Bench Rest League, our Woman Who Shoot program, Open Clay Leauge, SAFE Society, Chinook Country Shooters Club, and others will facilitate an opportunity to try pistol, rifle, shotgun, and archery. You have until 4:00pm today Sat. Jun. 1 to come on down to the LFGS Shooting Sports Facility, in the river bottom just North of BaseBall Alley and south of the dogrun. Check out this video from last you, make time and come down before 4pm today!!
visit www.lfga.club for more information on the LFGA and our Shooting Sports Facility