Membership Info

Membership Info

Membership runs from January 1 to December 31.

Memberships can be purchased online here

If you have any questions about memberships, please contact our Membership Chair at [email protected].  If you have any problem with the online system please email our developer at White Night Media

Benefits of Membership

By purchasing a membership in our club you will receive:

  • knowledge that you are supporting the largest conservation organization in Alberta
  • being part of the acquisition and protection of over 40,000 acres of our Alberta Habitat Fund properties which are available for hunting, angling and outdoor pursuits
  • $5,000,000 personal excess liability insurance for a member who accidentally causes property damage or bodily injury to a third party as a result of an approved activity. (Hunting, fishing, hiking, bow hunting, bird watching, non-commercial trapping, habitat conservation and target shooting
  • $5,000 Accidental Death/Dismemberment while pursuing an approved activity. Heart attacks are not deemed to be an accident
  • discounts on the purchase of personal insurance through BrokerLink (1-888-826-9427)
  • yearly subscription to “Outdoor Canada West” magazine (regular newsstand price $7.99 per issue, six issues per year)
  • exclusive offers on ATV and S x S models from Honda Canada
  • 10% discount on select Mark’s merchandise
  • participation in our annual Wildlife Awards Competition
  • opportunity to participate in youth and women camps in Alberta
  • opportunity to participate on numerous conservation projects
  • The privilege of using one of the finest outdoor shooting ranges in Western Canada.

The Alberta Fish & Game Association (AFGA) is the umbrella organization with which the LFGA is affiliated. In addition to the benefits listed above, there are usually yearly membership incentive offers through the AFGA, including contests and merchandise. You and your family will also be able to participate in AFGA’s programs, scholarships, competitions, and committees.

Membership Pledge

  • We believe in the wisdom of nature’s design.
  • We know that soil, water, plants and wild creatures depend upon each other and are vital to human life.
  • We recognize that each living thing links to many others in the chain of nature.
  • We believe that continuing research into the intricate pattern of outdoor life will help assure wise use of earth’s abundance.
  • We condemn no wild creature and work to assure that no living species shall be lost.
  • We believe that every generation should be able to experience spiritual and physical refreshment in places where primitive nature is undisturbed. So we will be vigilant to protect wilderness areas, refuges and parks, and to encourage good use of nature’s storehouse of resources.
  • We dedicate ourselves to the pleasant task of opening the eyes of young and old that all may come to enjoy the beauty of the outdoor world, and to share in conserving its wonders forever.

Member Classifications

A) LFGA Individual Club Membership $75.00 (2024)  – This membership is for one Regular Member only. It allows participation in all Club functions and activities but does not allow Range privileges. This membership entitles the holder to one vote at all General Meetings of the Association.

B) LFGA Individual Club Membership PLUS RANGE $180.00 (2024) – This membership is for one Regular Member only but it allows for the use of the LFGA Range Facilities, either accompanied by a range officer or as a range officer. This membership entitles the holder to one vote at all General Meetings of the Association

C) LFGA Family Club Membership $105.00 (2024) – This membership consists of one Regular Member, a spouse/partner, and all dependent children under 18. It allows participation in all Club functions and activities but does not allow Range privileges. This membership entitles each adult to one vote at all General Meetings of the Association.

D) LFGA Family Membership & 1 ADULT Range Membership – $210.00 (2024) – This membership is for one Regular Member, a spouse/partner, and all dependent children under 18 PLUS it allows for the use of the LFGA Range by the Regular Member only either accompanied by a range officer or as a range officer.  If your spouse/partner listed on your family membership would like to use the Range, a Day Pass to the Range is required each and every time they want to accompany you to shoot.  This membership entitles each adult to one vote at all General Meetings of the Association.  PLEASE ADD ALL DEPENDENTS (SPOUSE/PARTNER AND CHILDREN UNDER 18) TO YOUR MEMBERSHIP. THIS IS FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES.

E) LFGA Family Membership & 2 ADULT Range Membership $315.00 (2024) – This membership is for one Regular Member, a spouse/partner, and all dependent children under 18 PLUS it allows for the use of the LFGA Range by the Regular Member and the spouse/partner, either accompanied by a range officer or as a range officer. This memberships entitles each adult to one vote at all General Meetings of the Association.  PLEASE ADD ALL DEPENDENTS (SPOUSE/PARTNER AND CHILDREN UNDER 18) TO YOUR MEMBERSHIP. THIS IS FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES.

F) LFGA Youth Membership $25.00 (2024)  – A Youth Membership is open to young people under 18 years of age at the time of purchase. Youth Memberships must be purchased and approved by an administrator. Please contact [email protected] A Range Officer must supervise children less than 18 years of age.

Day Pass (Range Use) – Day passes for use of the Range are available at the listing below: Individuals may use the day pass for the day purchased but must be accompanied by a member with a range membership who have their range officer status. ALL ADULT INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE SHOOTING ON THE RANGE MUST HAVE A RANGE MEMBERSHIP OR A DAY PASS ISSUED IN THEIR NAME.

Annual Membership Fees
-Memberships are from January 1st to December 31st of the current year in which the membership is purchased.
-There is an annual membership fee for each Membership Classification.
-Membership fees are established in accordance with the LFGA Bylaws.

Range Officer Course – Upon completion of this course, you will obtain a Range Access Card for admittance to the Range Facility.  Courses are held at the LFGA Class Room down at the Range.  To find out when the next course is visit the website under the Range Calendar or contact the [email protected] directly.

Admission of Membership – Membership is available to any person who wishes to support the conservation of our fish, wildlife and natural resources and their management of the future and subscribes to the policies, principles, objectives and rules of the Association.

Rights and Privileges

A Member shall have the right:
-Of access to the property and facilities as provided by the membership classification.
-To one vote on matters of the Association during General Meetings.
-To become a Member of the Elected Executive if so elected by a majority at the Annual General Meeting.
-To receive communications from the Association.


-To comply with Association’s policies.
-To comply with Association rules as established which are published in the By-laws, and/or posted at the Association’s Shooting Sports Facilities.

Withdrawal and Refund of Fees

A member may withdraw from the Association tendering a written resignation to the Secretary of the Association, but the membership fee of such a member, or any part thereof, shall not be refunded except as approved by the Elected Executive.

Refund Policy

Auto Renewal Customers – We offer refunds within the first 24 hours of your purchase, if 24 hours have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a refund of any kind.

Non Auto Renewal Customers: No refund is offered.

Thank you.