LFGA Seminar Series Topics – Survey
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the LFGA, we would like to host a series of educational and entertaining events. The plan is to host them approximately once a month with no events in July, August or November. Please see the attached survey and select the topics you find to be of the most interest to you, your family and your friends. This will help us select the events most likely to be well attended and successful.
Please check your top 5 choices you would attend. If you have an idea not listed here or would be interested in hosting one of the courses please add your ideas / information in the comment section at the end.
After this information has been collected and compiled those seminars that have enough support will be scheduled. Please note a fee may be charged depending on the structure of the seminar.
Although the survey is only open to Members of the LFGA some Seminar Series will be open to Non-Members (fees for Non-members may differ from Members)
Members Survey (Please note you will have to log in to participate) The Survey will open in a new tab.
Members or Non-Members who wish to know more, have ideas for a Seminar or are interested in presenting a session should contact George Fairs, Big Game Chair by email