LFGA Photo Competition

5 Categories
- Wildlife
- Scenery & nature – landscapes, flora, fauna
- Open – outdoor activity, fishing camping, hiking, etc
- Personal trophy – catch of the day, upland/water fowl, big game
- Youth – pics submitted and taken by photographers under the age of 10 years
You may enter a maximum of 2 photos per category.
No photos from previous years.
Photos must be taken in North America
Photos must be unframed and in a 5″ * 7″ or 8″ * 10″
On the back of the photo please identify (preferably with an address label);
- the location the pic was taken,
- your name, address & phone number
- Your LFGA number
- Category entered
Photos must be handed in on or before Friday, February 26, 2021.
Submission Options:
Drop off at: Marksman Guns & Sports, 312 13th St North
Emailed to: [email protected]