LFGA EXEC. & Chairs LFGA EXEC. & Chairs Send a message to: Jeff Deuschle Or select a different recipient: Select a recipient President - Rick Vice-President - Jeff Range Operator - Rick Secretary - Michelle Treasurer - Leah | Darren Membership Chair - Nadine Community Relations: - Scott Volunteer Coordinator - Rick Hall Manager - Tedd Banquet Chair - Deb Big Game Chair - Riley Game Bird Chair - Vic Casino Chair - Darren Environment and Habitat Chair - Mike Board of Governors: Second Year - Andy Board of Governors: Third Year - Marilyn Incoming Secretary 2025 - Darcey Incoming Membership Chair - Pippa Incoming Board of Govenors: First Year - Jay Marketing and Communication Chair - Darla Rick Blakeley - President | Range Operator | Volunteer Coordinator Leah Brown - Treasurer Deb Clarke - Banquet Chair Darla Cooke - Marketing and Communication Chair Andy Cumming - Board of Governors: Second Year Jeff Deuschle - Vice-President Sheila Ferguson Pippa Goodfellow - Incoming Membership Chair Nadine Grand’Maison - Membership Chair Jay MacKenzie - Incoming Board of Govenors: First Year Riley Olsen - Big Game Chair Marilyn Peterson - Board of Governors: Third Year Vic Stasiuk - Game Bird Chair Darcey Stoutjesdyk - Incoming Secretary 2025 Scott Sweetman - Community Relations: Michelle Sylvestre - Secretary Mike Uchikura - Environment and Habitat Chair Darren Vucurevich - Casino Chair | Treasurer Tedd Walcott - Hall Manager Your Name: Your E-mail Address: Subject: Your Message: