Exciting News! New LFGA Membership System Staged release needs volunteers today.
20 Volunteers needed to live test our new online membership system. All volunteers should want to actually purchase memberships and pay by credit card (non auto renewing charge.) No Exec., or Life memberships for this test please. The online donation system will also be active for those selected to volunteer in the first group.
If you would like to participate in this critical phase this afternoon or evening please email us at White Night Media as soon as possible. Please Include your full name and type of membership you will be buying, your email address and a phone number you can be reached at while applying. After I have confirmed your spot in the test we will arrange a time for you to register this afternoon (Dec. 11, 2017).
We will be running a couple of staged releases over the next 24-48 hours at which time we will be opening up the system for everyone. Please wait for a notice published here, on our social media platforms and by MailChimp announcing open membership sales (as noted, within 24-48 hours.)
In advance of the open launch we will release full instructions both for those wanting to use the online system and for those that choose not to. We will also announce locations and dates for ‘Membership Registration Stations’ where we will be availible in person to help people register. Dates and times will be provided for live phone support for those wanting to register on their own computer but might need a little help.