Stephnie Watson

Stephnie Watson


Hi Scott, 

Please find below my answers to the questions that were sent out. Also do you mind if I post the questions and my responses to my webpage? 




Do you support the continued operation of the Lethbridge Fish & Game Shooting Sports Facility in its current location in Pennaquim Park?  

I absolutely support the continued operation of the Lethbridge Fish & Game Shooting Sports Facility in its current location and I also support the relocation plans that LFGA has in the future.

Do you believe the City of Lethbridge has an obligation to residents by assisting the Lethbridge Fish and Game Association provide a safe, controlled environment to use firearms?

Yes I do believe that the City has an obligation to residents by assisting LFGA to provide a safe, controlled environment to use firearms. Having proper education and access to a suitable location for residence to use their firearms reduces incidents and protects the community. Also the LFGA provides a location for several police groups to perform their training and we should continue to support this.

Do you agree that the LFGA Shooting Sports Facility represents an important community sport and recreation resource? 

Yes I do believe that the LFGA provides a much needed resource to our community. The free youth programs help those who would otherwise not necessarily have an option to get outside and learn hands on skills. It provides structure and teaches responsibility, self-trust, self-esteem and problem solving.  The programs also help with developing ethics,  and a respectful connection with the outdoors. I know this from personal experience as we had a similar program in Red Deer that I participated in and it allowed me to connect with nature, understand conservation, feel confident in handling a dangerous materials and items. This has definitely helped get to where I am at today.

Do you believe that the LFGA Shooting Sports Facility should be treated differently than other sporting venues by the City of Lethbridge? If so, how?

It depends on what the situation is, as to if the facility should be treated differently. In regards to taxes, licensing, etc there should be no difference as legislation and regulations should be followed, which I believe the LFGA has done an amazing job of. However due to the misunderstanding in the community around guns I think there is a responsibility on the side of the City to support more education and awareness of the safety around LFGA.

What is your position on ethical hunting and our need to support modern methods of wildlife management.

My position is that I completely support ethical hunting and proper up to date methods of wildlife management. Being an Environmental Science professional, a supporter of the ACA, a member of the local Chinook Waters Fly Fishing Club and as a starting hunter, it is extremely important to me to support groups that properly educate and give opportunities to public that support ethical hunting and proper up to date methods of wildlife management.

 How would you support the extensive conservation, environment protection and revitalization, and wildlife management programs we provide?

With my background in the Environmental Sciences (through the Lethbridge College and University of Lethbridge) I would be able to bring a science informed voice to counsel to support and advocate extensive conservation, environmental protection and revitalization, and wildlife management programs. Working with organizations like LFGA creates a more sustainable future for us all.

Have you ever worked with the LFGA in the past and what was your experience?

Yes I have been fortunate enough to take part in several of the programs that LFGA has provided. Such as the new hunters mentorship program, firearms training course and use of the shooting range for practice. These courses have helped me in my life as well as my work and I am extremely grateful to have access to them. Rick Blakely was also kind enough to provide me with an up to date tour of the facilities. The amount of thought, planning and care that goes into the LFGA always amazes me as I know most of the work is done by volunteers.