A message from our Banquet Co-Chair, John Kerber

A message from our Banquet Co-Chair, John Kerber

Hello Fellow supporters of the Lethbridge Fish and Game Association, My name is Jonn Kerber and I am your Banquet Co-Chair for 2016,17. Our banquet is our largest fund-raising event of the year and the evening at which we recognize outstanding achievements in volunteering, Hunting, Fishing, and Photography!!!

Big game measuring day for competition will be in early January, fish and birds can be weighed and measured at Marksman Guns, and Photography will be judged in early January as well . The banquet this comming year will be on Saturday February 11th 2017 and , as in the past few years will be at the Coast Convention Center.

Tickets will go on sale starting December 21st at our monthly meeting or will be available at Marksman Guns as well. If you haven’t attended this event, I urge you to mark this one on your calendar, as The staff of L.A. Chefs works their magic with the wild game that our members provide them with!!!

Which, brings me to my next request!!! We are always looking for donations of wild game for this event and rely on the help of our members to make this event a culinary success!! So , A deer, elk, moose, bear, cougar, Duck, pheasant, grouse,partridge or any part thereof would be GREATLY appreciated, and will go a long way to support this event and help fund our club.

I can be reached anytime for pickup, and will skin, de-bone and package any and all donations!!! My contact info is Jonn Kerber 403-593-1802. Thanks for your support!!!

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