You are receiving this email because you have supported Lethbridge’s bid for the 2022 Can-Am Police Fire Games in some fashion. As you may know Lethbridge was short-listed along with Windsor, Ontario, and Lubbuck, Texas. We hosted the Games Federation on a very successful Site Visit last month, and now we are gearing up for the last stage of the bid process – a final presentation to the Federation Board in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri (Games host 2018 and 2022) on December 11th.
We would greatly appreciate your social media engagement on your personal accounts and your organization accounts…like us, leave a comment, and share our accounts and our posts.
Need ideas about for comments? Below you will find our Top 10 list of why the Games Federation should choose Lethbridge.
1. our strong leadership,
2. our great location,
3. the strength of our relationships in the services and the community,
4. our fiscally responsible budgeting approach,
5. the wide support for Lethbridge as the host city,
6. the fact that you’ll be the biggest show in town,
7. our world-class venues,
8. the quality of our planned hosting facilities and services,
9. that hometown feeling, and
10. our focus on families…
Thank you so much for your continued support, and stay online the evening of December 11th when the host community will be announced!
Susan Eymann
Executive Director