Kolton Menzak -2021- Mayoral

Kolton Menzak -2021- Mayoral

 Kolton Menzak  <[email protected]> Received Oct 10, 12:38pm

  1. Yes I support the current shooting sports facility. 
  2. I would not support any gun bans. I believe the ability to own a firearm is a fundamental human right. 
  3. There is no evidence to suggest that any gun bans are effective measures to reduce crimes. Actually places with gun bands are generally much more dangerous even with gun violence. Assault is an action word and is used to scare and manipulate people, it has no actual functional meaning regarding to the gun. 
  4. I have both my restricted and non restricted firearm licenses. 
  5. I shoot from time to time but have not hunted. I would very much like to hunt wild game one day. I think that ethically the kill would need to be fast and harvesting the meat would be essential for an ethical kill. Other things like age of the animal, species, season would have to come into play as well. 
  6. I have been to the shooting facility a handful of times and have also been in a three gun tournament at the facility. 
  7. At this time I would not support any local tax money for any upgrades until our economic downturn has ceased. 
  8. Yes I agree and would also like to start using the local meat for citizens of Lethbridge. With all the wild game within city limits and in the wild I think we should be utilizing this resource locally. 
  9. I think every recreational facility should have equal opportunity. 
  10. I very much appreciate the conservation that the shooting community Pursues, this is crucial to preserve and retain this fundamental right

Thank you for your questions.

 Kolton Menzak